SDD- Stop Digital Divide

Erasmus Training Courses

In the digital world, we often assume that digitalization improves access to services. It is generally true for most people, but not for all in all. In several situations, the real challenge is to access the services not digitalization. Moreover, COVID-19 urged the digitalization and raised the bar opening new digital divides. Even if most of adults are having the skills and knowledge to understand how to access ICTs (i.e., WhatsApp), there are still several limitation to access several knowledge and services.

In this context, RIA together with European organizations from Spain and Poland established an Erasmus consortium to support inclusive education and digital skills development, improving the competences of educators and volunteers.

Get started

Stop Digital Divide SDD logo

Invite professionals to exchange of good practices and expertise in the sectors of digital social education. Be part of our Community to empower adult people to be active technology users.

Research and development


Create a teaching toolkit for adult education staff with methods and tools for inclusive education. Consolidate a curriculum for a training course for social coaching for adult digital integration.


Moodle Logo

We apply new educational model for creating attractive educational programs in the field of adult digital education. We invite you to explore our online courses to narrow down the digital divides.

RIA Events across Europe


Erasmus+ events are good opportunities to gain new transferable skills and boost your professional career. You will be part of a European network of adult educators active in digital inclusion.

Erasmus and ESC


Educators, teachers and trainers willing to deliver attractive courses using digital tools​. You can make your lessons unforgettably while empower adult people to be active technology users.

Our Erasmus events are carefully prepared to give you sufficient arguments to bring innovation in online education. We organize national and international key thematic events, conferences, seminars and workshops throughout the project.

Follow our page to be the first to find out about our events!

We share what works!

Read | Choose | Use

Cooperation in European context has many advantages. We invite you to choose those results that are most relevant for you.

Read our newsletters to hear about what’s new in our Erasmus project.

Teaching toolkit EN-RO

Teaching toolkit EN-PL

Teaching toolkit EN-ES

Our Partners

Find out all the partners which are part of our family!

A multi-disciplinary, complementary partnership consisting of three adult education organizations from Spain, Romania and Poland​ together with 10+ associated partners will work for you. Follow us to find more about our activities.

EFQM Reference Organisation Romania logo
Formative Footprint Logo
INBIE Fundacja Instytut Badan i Innowacji w Edukacji Poland logo
Stop Digital Divide SDD logo

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents. The content reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Erasmus+ KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education: SDD – Stop digital divide, 2021-2-RO01-KA210-ADU-000048969