Transnational Project Meeting, March 2023, Częstochowa, Poland

On 31 March 2022, the Romanian Intermodal Association, in collaboration with our partners from Formative Footprint (Spain) and those from the Institute of Innovation and Research (Poland), organized the “Stop Digital Divide” 2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Częstochowa, Poland. During the meeting, were shared the best practices and common understanding to design learning experiences using digital pedagogy.

The “Stop Digital Divide” project aims to create a non-formal educational environment to support inclusive education and digital skills development of adults form partners counties on their path towards digital transformation, by improving the competences in digital social inclusion of social educators and social volunteers working for adult education organizations. Our goal is to integrate new educational tools, practices and social inclusion initiatives for adult education into partners organizations, and even beyond.

The main outputs presented in this meeting were: Cooperation to develop R1-Teaching toolkit for adult education staff and Cooperation to develop R2-Training course for social coaching for adult digital integration.

The “Teaching toolkit for adult education staff” represents the collection of 15 methods and practices to support social educators in developing basic digital competencies of adult learners.

The “Training course for social coaching for adult digital integration” will be implemented in Valladolid, February 2024 and will contain: Training curricula – Educational material – Practical scenarios for DigComp 2.1.

The transnational project meeting was attended by delegates of all partners:

  • Instytut Badań i Innowacji w Edukacji (Poland),
  • Formative Footprint (Spain),
  • Romanian Intermodal Association (Romania).

The meeting was concluded with a small ceremony of handing out certificates of attendance and with a session of suggestions/ideas/designs for the next event dedicated to the same theme.


Location: Częstochowa, Poland

Date: 31 March 2023

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