Part of CM RP SE

RIA is actively participating to the social dialogue, attracting the professional potential of the experts in supporting the Romanian state strategic decisions and promoting of an appropriate social climate for professional and economic activities.

In this respect, RIA is selected as observer member of the Monitoring Committee of the South-East Regional Program which is a partnership-type structure with a strategic decision-making role in the implementation process of the Regional Programme https://www.adrse.ro/Documente/POR_2021/Anunt_CMPRSE_15.11.2022.pdf

Our experts provide expert opinion during all online and face to face meeting related to the achievement of the third policy objective of the 2021-2027 Regional Program: A more connected Europe by strengthening mobility. In doing so, we contribute to developing and strengthening national, regional and local sustainable, smart and intermodal mobility, resilient to climate change inclusive, as well as improving access to TEN-T and cross-border mobility.

On the 22nd of November 2022, Mr Laurentiu Ivanov participated in the first meeting of the Monitoring Committee, that took part at Braila. The opening speech was delivered by the representative in Romania of the European Committee. Participants discussed about the Regulation of the Organization and Operation of the South-East Regional Program Monitoring Committee 2021-2027 which was presented to all members for analysis and approval.

On the 21st of March 2023, Mr Costel Stanca took part in the online meeting. Among the subject, the experts discussed about real actions for reducing carbon emissions in the county municipalities and their metropolitan areas through investments for the development of clean urban infrastructure (transport infrastructure, cycling, alternative fuels), based on sustainable urban mobility plans.

Part of ESN (European Shortsea Network)

The national Short Sea Shipping promotion centres were created by the European Commission in 1999 in order to promote SSS in the member states. The main EU institutions have always had great considerations towards the strategic importance of Short Sea Shipping in the framework of the policies for the development of the infrastructural and logistics European network.

RIA joined the European Shortsea Network in 2026, willing to make the short sea shipping more important and meaningful. Together with the national Shortsea Promotion Centres (alphabetically presented) SPC Croatia, SPC Cyprus, SPC Finland, SPC Germany, SPC Greece, SPC lreland, SPC ltaly, SPC Malta, SPC Norway, SPC Poland, SPC Portugal, SPC Spain, and SPC Turkey, the ESN supports the promotion of short sea shipping through numerous activities, knowledge exchange seminars, elaboration of position papers and regular exchange of information with the relevant European institutions and businesses.
