Preparatory Seminar Online

On the 7th of October, was organized the online preparatory seminar before the Training course, which will take place in Valladolid Spain, from 25 to 28 October, in the context of the Erasmus+ Small-Scale Strategic Partnership Stop Digital Divide. This meeting was online.

Delegates of all partners participated in the seminar:

The scope of the preparatory seminar was to discuss the content of the training course and to agree on the practice to be piloted, in relation to the success factors.

The main topics at the seminar were technology, learning tools, learning styles, engaging educational programs and internet safety skills. Among the engaging tools presented: are the app Mentimeter (which helps you get a quick assessment) and Padlet (which helps you get feedback for digital portfolios).

The scope of the course was to share good practices and to have a common understanding to design learning experiences using digital pedagogies.
Participants in the course will have a common understanding of how to create engaging & active learning and will share in their own country with five educators from adult education organizations and associated partners during a seminar.

Because we live in a world where technology brings about many changes in society, this project is a good opportunity to improve the digital education of adults.
In the end, we discussed the next steps of the project.


Location: Online

Date: 7th of October 2022

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