“EWITA” is short for European Web Platforms and Training Concepts for Intermodal Inland Waterway Transport. The project was funded within the Marco Polo II programme of the European Commission and provides up-to-date training concepts and state-of-the-art e-learning web platforms for intermodal Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) in Europe.

EWITA is a follow-up of eWIT, whose main results were a European Concept for intermodal IWT training in Europe and INeS, the Inland Navigation eLearning System for the Danube region based on the Concept. Within EWITA, the European Concept of eWIT is substantially updated and extended with respect to learning levels, content, tools and languages. INeS (Inland Navigation eLearning System) is adapted accordingly and renamed into INeS Danube and an additional e-learning platform for the Rhine-Maas-Schelde corridor – IneS RMS – is created. Both platforms are available in several languages.

INeS Danube


INeS Danube is an e-learning platform which provides a modern form of education in the field of logistics and intermodality on inland waterways in the Danube region. The platform caters to the needs of different target groups, whether pupils or students of educational institutions focusing on logistics, practitioners like shipping companies or the manufacturing industry.



IneS RMS is an e-learning platform for the Rhine-Maas-Schelde corridor. It will allow all the stakeholders in the inland waterway transport sector (e.g. students, pupils, manufacturing industry or shipping companies) easier access to information, efficient learning process and knowledge upgrading, and will provide the platform for the life – long learning.

Reusable learning objects

EWITA e-Learning

Reusable learning objects (RLOs) are the basis for the creation of e-learning materials, and content repositories are an essential component for using and sharing digital learning objects within the EWITA e-learning community. EWITA also provides a set of services that encourage the development and the use of educational materials in the field of intermodal inland waterway transport.

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Erasmus and ESC

The EWITA platforms combine European with specific regional and national content. To facilitate update and synchronization, a pan-European content repository is designed, allowing for a smooth administration of common learning objects available for the different topics. Innovations of EWITA also include the design of learning groups for specific target users of the platforms, additional multimedia elements and modern learning technologies (e.g. animations, interactive elements, streaming video and sound).

Our Partners

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Constanta Port logo
Ceronav Logo
Universitatea Maritima Constanta logo
UPIR logo
APDM logo
Compania Nationala Administratia Canalelor Navigabile. Logo

EWITA Project – European Web Platforms and Training Concepts for Intermodal Inland Waterway Transport is financed by EU funds through the Marco Polo II on the Common Learning Actions.