Romanian Center For Intermodal Transport Promotion

We promote the intermodal transport/ Short Sea Shipping (SSS)/ Inland Waterway Transport (IWT) facilities available in and outside the country in order to decongest goods trade/traffic in Romania and integrate the maritime and river transport within the chain of intermodal transport.

3 Pillars

Encourage and conduct research, support and organise seminars and activities of professional training in the country and abroad

Facilitate better communication between different transport companies within the intermodal chain through seminars, conferences, workshops

The Association is a professional partner in the projects related to intermodal transport and offers competent support through research, innovative logistic services and technological projects linked to intermodality.

What we are good at


Erasmus+ opportunities

Define specific professional competencies and training objectives. Develop and deliver professional programs for personnel working in intermodal activities in order to promote new professional competencies.


Youth meeting

Build on strong interrelations with existing expert groups, partners and initiatives. Add European value and create synergies at the international level through networking and knowledge exchange.


Our Team Training Club International Mobility Constanta Romania

Ensure access to information and services. Promote the Danube as the principal traffic way to transit goods to and from central Europe. Share relevant information about the Association and its specific activities.

Our Members

Find out all the partners which are part of our family!

Constanta Port logo
Ceronav Logo
Universitatea Maritima Constanta logo
UPIR logo
APDM logo
Compania Nationala Administratia Canalelor Navigabile. Logo